Alfred wegener lyrics

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The Amoeba People - Continental Drift lyrics
Nov 30, 2015 Lyrics for Continental Drift by The Amoeba People. In the year of 1910 there was a scientist Whose name was Alfred Wegener He noticed that ...
The Amoeba People - Continental Drift Lyrics. In the year of 1910 there was a scientist Whose name was Alfred Wegener He noticed that the continents looked  ...
Carl Michael Ziehrer, Volker Vogel, Ariana Strahl, Donna Ellen ...
... Lotti, Wegener, Chorus) by Carl Michael Ziehrer, Volker Vogel, Ariana Strahl, ... Michael Heim, Alfred Berger, Cornelia Zink, Martin C. Turba, Christian Bauer, ...
Carl Michael Ziehrer, Volker Vogel, Ariana Strahl, Donna Ellen ...
... Lotti has very difficult ideas about the ideal man] (Wegener, Lotti, Chorus) by ... Michael Heim, Alfred Berger, Cornelia Zink, Martin C. Turba, Christian Bauer, ...
Franz Lehár, Hamburger Rundfunkorchester, Wilhelm Stephan ...
... Rudolf Schock, Elfride Trötschel, Alfred Pfeifle, Otto Albrecht, Fritz Göllnitz, Jacques Offenbach, Reinhold Luttjohann, Jo Wegener & Hamburger Rundfunkchor.

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