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Combichrist lyrics
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COMBICHRIST LYRICS - "Everybody Hates You" (2005) album
COMBICHRIST lyrics - "Everybody Hates You" (2005) album, including "Long Gone", "The Corpse Under My Bed", "Beneath Every Depth"...
COMBICHRIST lyrics - "Everybody Hates You" (2005) album, including "Long Gone", "The Corpse Under My Bed", "Beneath Every Depth"...
COMBICHRIST LYRICS - "Making Monsters" (2010) album
COMBICHRIST lyrics - "Making Monsters" (2010) album, including "Reclamation" , "They", "Monster:Murder:Kill"...
COMBICHRIST lyrics - "Making Monsters" (2010) album, including "Reclamation" , "They", "Monster:Murder:Kill"...

Lyrics to 'Deathbed' by Combichrist. I killed you in me / I'm willing to die to seek cover / It leads me to my destiny / How I can never know what happened to.

Lyrics to 'Sent To Destroy' by Combichrist. Iron boots, we're walking tall / With pride we'll walk all over you / Steel grip, we'll hold you down / On a leash,

Lyrics to 'Scarred' by Combichrist. You ever get the feeling that everything / In America is completely f***ed up / The choice you make will be your own / A.

Lyrics to 'Enjoy The Abuse' by Combichrist. Enjoy thee abuse / Enjoy thee abuse / Enjoy thee abuse / Enjoy / Next time you opened your mouth / I'll put my fist.

Lyrics to 'Kickstart The Fight' by Combichrist. Just one more shot girl, she said / Fuck yeah, I'm down / Insanity rules the world / I'll fucking die in this.

Lyrics to 'All Pain Is Gone' by Combichrist. Stuck in a hole, enslaved by emptiness / Fists clenched tight, though not alone / They're always here, controlling.

Lyrics to 'Throat Full Of Glass' by Combichrist: It's hard to scream with a throat full of glass.

Lyrics to 'Homeward' by Combichrist: It left the vessel a long time ago.
COMBICHRIST LYRICS - "What The Fuck Is Wrong With You People ...
COMBICHRIST lyrics - "What The Fuck Is Wrong With You People?" (2007) album, including "Shut Up And Bleed", "HAL 9000", "Body: Part"...
COMBICHRIST lyrics - "What The Fuck Is Wrong With You People?" (2007) album, including "Shut Up And Bleed", "HAL 9000", "Body: Part"...

Away. Even at the gates of hell. Not forgotten, no regrets. It's in our hands but all for nothing. Oh say it's inside of me. They litter your eyes. Follow your soul

Lyrics to 'Every Day Is War' by Combichrist. it's time for evolution / it's time to break away / away from urban decay / no time for absolution / no time for.

Lyrics to 'From My Cold Dead Hands' by Combichrist: Do what i wanna do Say what i wanna say They wanna take it away From my cold dead hands.

Lyrics to 'The Evil in Me' by Combichrist: We welcome you To the city of hate,

Lyrics to 'Gimme Deathrace' by Combichrist. Gimme deathrace / I got war masturbation and sonic revelation guaranteed to come back for more yeah! / We got ...

Lyrics to 'Electrohead' by Combichrist: Like you Pretty bitches like you Pretty bitches like you Pretty bitches like you Pretty bitches like you Pretty bitches.

Lyrics to 'Gotta Go' by Combichrist. Tic-Tac, Tic-Tac! / Just to clarify what I've heard, from all the things you said. / You got a damn big mouth, there's one.
Combichrist - Pay to Play Lyrics
Jun 29, 2016 Lyrics for Pay to Play by Combichrist. The card you've dealt The card of death is in your hands Can't run away I know it's hard f...
Jun 29, 2016 Lyrics for Pay to Play by Combichrist. The card you've dealt The card of death is in your hands Can't run away I know it's hard f...
Combichrist - Pull the Pin Lyrics
Mar 26, 2015 Lyrics for Pull the Pin by Combichrist. Die! We die! Just die! Everything and someone Die! We die! Just die! Everything and someo...
Mar 26, 2015 Lyrics for Pull the Pin by Combichrist. Die! We die! Just die! Everything and someone Die! We die! Just die! Everything and someo...

Lyrics to 'Never Surrender' by Combichrist: Denying the reality you created for yourself.

Lyrics to 'Shut Up And Swallow' by Combichrist. 'You know the truth.' / 'Where are you?' / 'You could call it the end of the world..' / You fucking parasite /

Combichrist - What The Fuck Is Wrong With… Combichrist - Combichrist - Without Emotions Lyrics Lyric Video. Combichrist - Without Emotions Lyrics.

Lyrics to 'The Kill V2' by Combichrist. There is no stopping of what can't be stopped / There is no killing of what can't be killed / There is no stopping of.

Lyrics to 'I Want Your Blood' by Combichrist. I need to taste you, your second skin / Every breath you take belongs to me / Sell me your soul for a life in sin.

Lyrics to 'No Redemption' by Combichrist. Your body might be borrowed. / But your spirit can not be saved. / It's the end of the line. / End of the line. /

Lyrics to 'My Life My Rules' by Combichrist: I said hey, it's my life, my life my rules Ain't nothing can change that, don't you know My life my rules.
Combichrist - Time Again Lyrics
Jun 21, 2016 Lyrics for Time Again by Combichrist. The lights are fading away now darlin' Attention burns through your heart now darlin' The...
Jun 21, 2016 Lyrics for Time Again by Combichrist. The lights are fading away now darlin' Attention burns through your heart now darlin' The...

Lyrics to 'Can't Change The Beat' by Combichrist. I gotta bring it, I gotta hold it / I gotta force it out like it never happened at all / I need to be, I gotta.

Lyrics to 'Spit' by Combichrist. I hate whore moms who dress all slutty / And embarrass their children / I remember how it was when I was a kid / And my mom.

Lyrics to 'Love Is a Razorblade' by Combichrist. My eyes are black / Tried hard to make 'em dead / You were built that way / You got a graceful lips / And now.
Combichrist - Exit Eternity Lyrics
Jun 21, 2016 Lyrics for Exit Eternity by Combichrist. When everyone's gone And you're living forever What's left to gain? When you're all alone...
Jun 21, 2016 Lyrics for Exit Eternity by Combichrist. When everyone's gone And you're living forever What's left to gain? When you're all alone...

Lyrics to 'Skullcrusher' by Combichrist. Skull crush lay me down upon of a bed of nails / All good things must come to an end / The intergalactic serve me.

Lyrics to 'No Afterparty' by Combichrist. 'First saved message, Sent Tuesday, May 20th, at 1: 41 AM: / Hey what's up man, um, I'm on my way to jail man. I'm.

Lyrics to 'Today We Are All Demons' by Combichrist. Without pain, life is not worth livin'. / (*random bird*... *moAN* It's Evil!) / We're all demons today, /

Lyrics to 'Follow the Trail of Blood' by Combichrist. Follow the trail / The trail of blood / Crossing the line / Sickness of heart / And now you're nailed /

Lyrics to 'Get Out Of My Head' by Combichrist. I know you're in there, pulling strings / I know you're in there, somewhere deep within / I know you're digging,

Lyrics to 'At The End Of It All' by Combichrist. The devil don't change, devil changes you / I carve your name straight across my wrist / Your voice bleeds.
Combichrist - Falling Apart Lyrics
Mar 26, 2015 Lyrics for Falling Apart by Combichrist. You've got to pay! I said it! I admit it: conflicting now as it was falling apart Just lik...
Mar 26, 2015 Lyrics for Falling Apart by Combichrist. You've got to pay! I said it! I admit it: conflicting now as it was falling apart Just lik...

Intolerance, self-glorified ignorance. It sucks you down with your face pushed against the fence. Why don't you finish yourself, since you don't really care? Let the ...