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Will Adiks - Ikenile Dinakagi Lyrics. You gave instructions, to stretch the rod You uttered the words, the sea was parted You made a way where there was no way Obinigwe Ezemo You
Will Adiks - Ikenile Dinakagi Lyrics. You gave instructions, to stretch the rod You uttered the words, the sea was parted You made a way where there was no way Obinigwe Ezemo You
Will Adiks - Ikenile Dinakagi Lyrics
Lyrics for Ikenile Dinakagi by Will Adiks. You gave instructions, to stretch the rod You uttered the words, the sea was parted You ma...
Lyrics for Ikenile Dinakagi by Will Adiks. You gave instructions, to stretch the rod You uttered the words, the sea was parted You ma...
Samsong - Chukwu Okike Lyrics. ... Ezemo Nara ekele onye ukwu Nara otito The reign of your power will never end It's forever and ever Chukwu okike chimara Obi mo
Samsong - Chukwu Okike Lyrics. ... Ezemo Nara ekele onye ukwu Nara otito The reign of your power will never end It's forever and ever Chukwu okike chimara Obi mo
Hezekiah Walker - Grateful Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Grateful' by Hezekiah Walker. I am / Grateful for the things / That you have done / Yes, I'm grateful for the vic-tories we've won / I could go on
Lyrics to 'Grateful' by Hezekiah Walker. I am / Grateful for the things / That you have done / Yes, I'm grateful for the vic-tories we've won / I could go on
Samsong - Chukwu Okike Lyrics
Lyrics for Chukwu Okike ... of the earth cast their crowns before you The leaves of the trees Clap their hands Cause your praises will never end Ezemo Nara ekele ...
Lyrics for Chukwu Okike ... of the earth cast their crowns before you The leaves of the trees Clap their hands Cause your praises will never end Ezemo Nara ekele ...
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