Our shield boughtxblood lyrics

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BoughtXBlood - Restoration Lyrics
He will for ever be in our lives. For ever be in our lives He is eternal All hell has to bow down Before heavens gates Give in to the truth now Before it is to late Satan will bow down Before Jesus above Give in to the truth now I tell you this with love Now as we come together Trying to give the truth This is the final hour To give this truth ...
BoughtXBlood - Tear Down the Walls lyrics
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Maranatha! Acoustic - O Worship the King (Split Track) Lyrics
O worship the King, all glorious above,O gratefully sing God's power and God's love;our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days,pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise.O tell of God's might, O sing of God's grace,whose robe is the light, whose canopy space,whose ...
"Uninhabitable Earth, Paragraph One" lyrics
Julia Holter - "Sea Calls Me Home" I don't need no one to follow, feathers full Get up early just to charm unawakened souls When the sea called me When the sea called me home I can't swim, it's lucidity, so clear! I can't swim, it's...
ANTESTOR LYRICS - "The Return Of The Black Death" (1998) album
We’ll Get Our Reward When The Time Is Right /: The Lord Is Our Master O Lord Make Us Win The Lord Is Our Master our strength is from within :/ God’s Word - Our Sword The Faith - Our Shield In God’s People Truth Is Revealed Lift Up His Name The Battle Has Begun Listen You Mortal Obey, No Use To Run The Almighty Is Here Calling Your Name
Chris Tomlin - O Worship the King Lyrics
O worship the King, all glorious aboveO gratefully sing His wonderful loveOur Shield and Defender, the Ancient of DaysPavilioned in splender, and girded with praiseO tell of His might, O sing of His graceWhose robe is the light and canopy spaceHis chariots of wrath the ...
Spoils Of The Horde Lyrics - Fit for an Autopsy
The casualty of our collapse Kill what you can't control. I drew a line and I crossed it The edge is closer this time I drew a line and I crossed it It's the only way we survive. There'll be no offering of peace Only fuel for the fires that never cease Fucking thieves Thieves
OH, SLEEPER LYRICS - "When I Am God" (2007) album
Oh our crest is the same, but it's a lie when you wear it. It's a lie! For the chain and the drops lure. And you, the captive fighter, with victory off your tongue. Thats what you did when you made your own crown. That's what you did! When the weak looked up to you! But you wore your own crown. You fraud! Light the pyre! A fraud has been found!
Jakob Dylan - Down On Our Own Shield Lyrics
We hold our ground We don't kneel If we go down we go Down on our own shield It's a river of tears And we're in over our ears In the dark it rides off with our better years It's a bottomless well It's a little overkill It's the end of a dragon's tail That's whipping around our heels But we don't bow We make no deals Now we go down we go Down on ...
NOTHING TIL BLOOD LYRICS - "When Lambs Become Lions" (2011) album
Helmet and shield-sword in hand-we stand on truth, our foundations, the Lamb. We lay our lives on this bloody alter proclaiming the Christ, the reigning Father. Falling victim to no lie, we will stand strong without compromise. And every knee shall bow and every tongue confess-my God will stand true, He can renew you. 5. Lambs
Maranda Curtis - Nodbody Like You Lord Lyrics
Our Lord, a shield for me you're my glory, you're my glory Nobody like you Lord, nobody like you Lord Say oh... Oh oh oh you are my glory Lord, you are my glory Lord Oh oh oh nobody like you Lord, nobody like you Lord Who wouldn't serve a God like this? Healer, provider, sustainer Yeah say... Who wouldn't serve a God like this? Savior, Savior ...
"Jesus Oh What A Wonderful Child" lyrics
Jesus, Jesus, oh what a wonderful child Jesus, Jesus, so lowly meek and mild New life, new hope, new joy He brings Listen to the angels sing Glory, glory, glory, to the new born King
THE SHOWDOWN LYRICS - "A Chorus Of Obliteration" (2004) album
1. A Monument Encased In Ash Will you destroy the righteous with the wicked? Shine your mercy on but fifty men Show me ten yet worthy to see the sun again
Bethel Music & Abbie Gamboa - Center (Live) Lyrics
Highlands Worship - "Who Is Like The Lord" You're seated on the throne of mercy Your glory shining bright for all to see Oh God I will praise You Magnificent with grace unending You rescue us with love that never fails Oh God I will praise...
HAMMERFALL LYRICS - "Renegade" (2000) album
In our hands we hold the future, carry on In our hearts, eternally, we Keep The Flame Burning Hear the sound of roaring thunder, and the sound of raging steel In the battle of thrust our sprits will reveal Glorious, we'd rather die with honour than to live with shame In our hands we hold the future, carry on In our hearts, eternally, we keep ...
For Those in Peril on the Sea Lyrics - Phil Coulter
Eternal Father strong to save Whose arm has bound the restless wave Who bids the mighty ocean deep It's own appointed limits keep O hear us when we cry to Thee
AMON AMARTH LYRICS - "Once Sent From The Golden Hall" (1998) album
Our cloaks fly in the wind As we ride in the cold dark night We're closing in our enemies We rage in our hearts burning bright The clouds scatter in the northern wind A full moon rides the pitch black sky "Now, hounds of Hvitekrist, your time has come to die!" "Kneel before my sword! No mercy! Your time has come to die! This is the ride for ...
BLOOD HAS BEEN SHED LYRICS - "Spirals" (2003) album
The air is heavy with the acrid taste of deception For all our strength we can barely hold our heads up Were you thinking of me as everything fall from grace And I can't breathe again because the scent still lingers I guess this isn't the time for self loathing Loosen this noose I'll never speak your name I swear Loosen this noose I'll never ...
SABBAT LYRICS - "Blood For The Blood God" (1987) single
In tattered shreds our broken ranks Are swept before this flood Chaos creatures rend our flesh And drink our blood [The Blood God Arises] "I am Khorne, I am Death Fear my name, my icy breath Feel the power, a deadly chill When I say 'die' then die you will!" See how the void gates that held back the Chaos foe Shudder and shatter, an entropy ...
YNGWIE MALMSTEEN LYRICS - "Facing The Animal" (1998) album
bring your sword and shield and your lucky charm In dragonships we'll sail the seven seas under guiding stars Into battle - we will ride Gods will follow - by our side Heathens from the north Heathens from the north The air is still, the bodies cold and pale they'll never live to tell About the slaughter when battleground ran red we gave them hell
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