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Lyrics to "AC/DC Bag" song by PHISH: Mr. Palmer is concerned with the thousand dollar question Just like Roger he's a crazy little kid I'...
Lyrics to "AC/DC Bag" song by PHISH: Mr. Palmer is concerned with the thousand dollar question Just like Roger he's a crazy little kid I'...
PHISH LYRICS - Character Zero
Lyrics to "Character Zero" song by PHISH: I was taught a month ago To bide my time and take it slow But then I learned just yesterday To ru...
Lyrics to "Character Zero" song by PHISH: I was taught a month ago To bide my time and take it slow But then I learned just yesterday To ru...
PHISH LYRICS - The Lizards
Lyrics to "The Lizards" song by PHISH: Passing through the corridor I came upon an aging knight Who leaned against the wall in gnarly armo...
Lyrics to "The Lizards" song by PHISH: Passing through the corridor I came upon an aging knight Who leaned against the wall in gnarly armo...
PHISH LYRICS - Heavy Things
Lyrics to "Heavy Things" song by PHISH: Things are falling down on me Heavy things I could not see When I finally came around Something s...
Lyrics to "Heavy Things" song by PHISH: Things are falling down on me Heavy things I could not see When I finally came around Something s...
PHISH LYRICS - Down With Disease
Lyrics to "Down With Disease" song by PHISH: Down with disease Three weeks in my bed Trying to stop these demons that keep dancing in my head...
Lyrics to "Down With Disease" song by PHISH: Down with disease Three weeks in my bed Trying to stop these demons that keep dancing in my head...
Lyrics to "Esther" song by PHISH: It was late one fall night at a fairground near town When Esther first saw the Armenian man Who gr...
Lyrics to "Esther" song by PHISH: It was late one fall night at a fairground near town When Esther first saw the Armenian man Who gr...
PHISH LYRICS - Kill Devil Falls
Lyrics to "Kill Devil Falls" song by PHISH: Just got back from Kill Devil Falls Draped my water logged clothes in the hall Reach for a beer, g...
Lyrics to "Kill Devil Falls" song by PHISH: Just got back from Kill Devil Falls Draped my water logged clothes in the hall Reach for a beer, g...
PHISH LYRICS - Crowd Control
Lyrics to "Crowd Control" song by PHISH: Listen now I'm talking I've been here for weeks Waiting in this growing crowd Staring at my feet...
Lyrics to "Crowd Control" song by PHISH: Listen now I'm talking I've been here for weeks Waiting in this growing crowd Staring at my feet...
Lyrics to "Llama" song by PHISH: (Many years after the overthrow of Wilson, a rebel soldier crouching high on a hilltop above the wa...
Lyrics to "Llama" song by PHISH: (Many years after the overthrow of Wilson, a rebel soldier crouching high on a hilltop above the wa...
Lyrics to "Joy" song by PHISH: Joy is over there in her incredible clothes She has silver silk shimmering down to her toes I was...
Lyrics to "Joy" song by PHISH: Joy is over there in her incredible clothes She has silver silk shimmering down to her toes I was...
Lyrics to "Reba" song by PHISH: Reba sink a boulder in the water Reba tie a cable to a tree Reba stuck in a game of lipstick perfu...
Lyrics to "Reba" song by PHISH: Reba sink a boulder in the water Reba tie a cable to a tree Reba stuck in a game of lipstick perfu...
Lyrics to "McGrupp" song by PHISH: I've alternated my meager flock To the shores of the Baltic Sea The teeth of time have stowed the...
Lyrics to "McGrupp" song by PHISH: I've alternated my meager flock To the shores of the Baltic Sea The teeth of time have stowed the...
PHISH LYRICS - All Of These Dreams
Lyrics to "All Of These Dreams" song by PHISH: There is a place on the mountain nearby Deep in a cave but it's up rather high There in the darkness...
Lyrics to "All Of These Dreams" song by PHISH: There is a place on the mountain nearby Deep in a cave but it's up rather high There in the darkness...
PHISH LYRICS - Sugar Shack
Lyrics to "Sugar Shack" song by PHISH: Standing on the edge of the cliff, I start to slip Don't mind if I slide off Now I feel my mood st...
Lyrics to "Sugar Shack" song by PHISH: Standing on the edge of the cliff, I start to slip Don't mind if I slide off Now I feel my mood st...
PHISH LYRICS - Stealing Time From The Faulty Plan
Lyrics to "Stealing Time From The Faulty Plan" song by PHISH: Got a blank space where my mind should be Got a cliff bar and some cold green tea Got clouds ...
Lyrics to "Stealing Time From The Faulty Plan" song by PHISH: Got a blank space where my mind should be Got a cliff bar and some cold green tea Got clouds ...
Lyrics to "555" song by PHISH: They're tying a blindfold cross my eyes I rest my face down Skidding on switchbacks near the sides G...
Lyrics to "555" song by PHISH: They're tying a blindfold cross my eyes I rest my face down Skidding on switchbacks near the sides G...
PHISH LYRICS - Golgi Apparatus
Lyrics to "Golgi Apparatus" song by PHISH: I look into the finance box Just to check my status I look into the microscope See Golgi Apparatu...
Lyrics to "Golgi Apparatus" song by PHISH: I look into the finance box Just to check my status I look into the microscope See Golgi Apparatu...
PHISH LYRICS - Twenty Years Later
Lyrics to "Twenty Years Later" song by PHISH: I can hold my breath for a minute or so Five days without food is as long as I'll go I didn't slee...
Lyrics to "Twenty Years Later" song by PHISH: I can hold my breath for a minute or so Five days without food is as long as I'll go I didn't slee...
PHISH LYRICS - Secret Smile
Lyrics to "Secret Smile" song by PHISH: Sometimes when the evening's young The wind dies down, the setting sun Crochets the clouds with ya...
Lyrics to "Secret Smile" song by PHISH: Sometimes when the evening's young The wind dies down, the setting sun Crochets the clouds with ya...
Lyrics to "Limb By Limb" song by PHISH: The shoulder that I leaned on was carved out of stone But when I'm done freezing I want to be alone...
Lyrics to "Limb By Limb" song by PHISH: The shoulder that I leaned on was carved out of stone But when I'm done freezing I want to be alone...
Lyrics to "The Line" song by PHISH: Dry mouth, push it out, I can hear my heart pound, a hero's what I'm not Voices scream, flashes flar...
Lyrics to "The Line" song by PHISH: Dry mouth, push it out, I can hear my heart pound, a hero's what I'm not Voices scream, flashes flar...
PHISH LYRICS - Running Out Of Time
Lyrics to "Running Out Of Time" song by PHISH: A flash of light Another moment stolen from my soul A thunderclap Again I must surrender all control...
Lyrics to "Running Out Of Time" song by PHISH: A flash of light Another moment stolen from my soul A thunderclap Again I must surrender all control...
Lyrics to "Army Of One" song by PHISH: Northern dilemma Call of the cold The arms of the arctic begin to unfold Sit in a circle facing...
Lyrics to "Army Of One" song by PHISH: Northern dilemma Call of the cold The arms of the arctic begin to unfold Sit in a circle facing...
Lyrics to "Tide Turns" song by PHISH: When you're lost in the darkness And the loneliness cuts so deep When every breath is suffering And...
Lyrics to "Tide Turns" song by PHISH: When you're lost in the darkness And the loneliness cuts so deep When every breath is suffering And...
Lyrics to "Sleep" song by PHISH: I can't describe the feeling when I'm in my bed asleep and then I wake up with a vision blurred A...
Lyrics to "Sleep" song by PHISH: I can't describe the feeling when I'm in my bed asleep and then I wake up with a vision blurred A...
PHISH LYRICS - Sample In A Jar
Lyrics to "Sample In A Jar" song by PHISH: It's hidden far away But someday I may tell The tale of metal tangle When into your world I fell...
Lyrics to "Sample In A Jar" song by PHISH: It's hidden far away But someday I may tell The tale of metal tangle When into your world I fell...
PHISH LYRICS - Back On The Train
Lyrics to "Back On The Train" song by PHISH: When I jumped off, I had a bucket full of thoughts When I first jumped off, I held that bucket in m...
Lyrics to "Back On The Train" song by PHISH: When I jumped off, I had a bucket full of thoughts When I first jumped off, I held that bucket in m...
Phish - Farmhouse Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Farmhouse' by Phish. Welcome this is a farmhouse / We have cluster flies alas / And this time of year is bad / We are so very sorry / There is little.
Lyrics to 'Farmhouse' by Phish. Welcome this is a farmhouse / We have cluster flies alas / And this time of year is bad / We are so very sorry / There is little.
Lyrics to "Contact" song by PHISH: The tires are the things on your car That make contact with the road The car is the thing on the r...
Lyrics to "Contact" song by PHISH: The tires are the things on your car That make contact with the road The car is the thing on the r...
Lyrics to "Rift" song by PHISH: Last night, in the moments my thoughts were adrift And coasting a terrace, approaching a rift Thro...
Lyrics to "Rift" song by PHISH: Last night, in the moments my thoughts were adrift And coasting a terrace, approaching a rift Thro...
Lyrics to "Free" song by PHISH: I'm floating in the blimp a lot I feel the feeling I forgot Swimming weightless in the womb Bounc...
Lyrics to "Free" song by PHISH: I'm floating in the blimp a lot I feel the feeling I forgot Swimming weightless in the womb Bounc...
Lyrics to "Driver" song by PHISH: I'll tell you about the driver who lives inside my head Starts me up and stops me and puts me into...
Lyrics to "Driver" song by PHISH: I'll tell you about the driver who lives inside my head Starts me up and stops me and puts me into...
Lyrics to "Taste" song by PHISH: I'm up and I can take what you give And I'm here but I don't want you to live with me `Cause all I...
Lyrics to "Taste" song by PHISH: I'm up and I can take what you give And I'm here but I don't want you to live with me `Cause all I...
Lyrics to "Tweezer" song by PHISH: Won't you step into the freezer Seize her with a tweezer Won't you step into the freezer Tease...
Lyrics to "Tweezer" song by PHISH: Won't you step into the freezer Seize her with a tweezer Won't you step into the freezer Tease...
Lyrics to "Sparkle" song by PHISH: The pressure builds, you buy a gift You're hoping that your dread will lift It glitters on her lik...
Lyrics to "Sparkle" song by PHISH: The pressure builds, you buy a gift You're hoping that your dread will lift It glitters on her lik...
Lyrics to "Maze" song by PHISH: The overhead view is of me in a maze And you see what I'm hunting a few steps away And I take a wr...
Lyrics to "Maze" song by PHISH: The overhead view is of me in a maze And you see what I'm hunting a few steps away And I take a wr...
PHISH LYRICS - Fast Enough For You
Lyrics to "Fast Enough For You" song by PHISH: If time were only part of the equation Then you could draw the bound'ries of our cage You wouldn't...
Lyrics to "Fast Enough For You" song by PHISH: If time were only part of the equation Then you could draw the bound'ries of our cage You wouldn't...
PHISH LYRICS - Theme From The Bottom
Lyrics to "Theme From The Bottom" song by PHISH: I feed from the bottom, you feed from the top I live upon morsels you happen to drop And coffee th...
Lyrics to "Theme From The Bottom" song by PHISH: I feed from the bottom, you feed from the top I live upon morsels you happen to drop And coffee th...
Lyrics to "Sand" song by PHISH: If you can heal the symptoms But not affect the cause It's quite a bit like trying to heal A guns...
Lyrics to "Sand" song by PHISH: If you can heal the symptoms But not affect the cause It's quite a bit like trying to heal A guns...
Lyrics to "Wombat" song by PHISH: Had to have that Had to have that Your wombat Had that Had to have that Had to have that Your womba...
Lyrics to "Wombat" song by PHISH: Had to have that Had to have that Your wombat Had that Had to have that Had to have that Your womba...