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Shoulder to lean on lyrics
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JOJO LYRICS - Use My Shoulder
Use my shoulder to lean on. If things don't go your way. Use my pillow to lay on. If things don't go your way. Use my shoulder to cry on. That's what friends are for
Use my shoulder to lean on. If things don't go your way. Use my pillow to lay on. If things don't go your way. Use my shoulder to cry on. That's what friends are for

Oops, looks like we're missing these lyrics. Help us out by adding them. Submit lyrics. Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents ...
The Sound of Reason - Shoulder to Lean On lyrics
Dec 27, 2015 Lyrics for Shoulder to Lean On by The Sound of Reason. Most times I'm the most strong, I'm the rock the spot you get support from I mostly cope ...
Dec 27, 2015 Lyrics for Shoulder to Lean On by The Sound of Reason. Most times I'm the most strong, I'm the rock the spot you get support from I mostly cope ...
ELVIS PRESLEY LYRICS - I Need Somebody To Lean On
I need somebody to lean on. I'm tired of being unhappy and so blue. If she came I would hold her 'Cause I need that shoulder to lean on, yes, I really do. I need ...
I need somebody to lean on. I'm tired of being unhappy and so blue. If she came I would hold her 'Cause I need that shoulder to lean on, yes, I really do. I need ...
Laura Critchley - Shoulder To Lean On lyrics
Lyrics for Shoulder To Lean On by Laura Critchley. ... Shoulder To Lean On - Lyrics. Laura Critchley. Lyrics not available. Be the first to add the lyrics and earn ...
Lyrics for Shoulder To Lean On by Laura Critchley. ... Shoulder To Lean On - Lyrics. Laura Critchley. Lyrics not available. Be the first to add the lyrics and earn ...
Marcus Lewis - A Shoulder To Lean On lyrics and translation ...
Lyrics and translation for A Shoulder To Lean On by Marcus Lewis.
Lyrics and translation for A Shoulder To Lean On by Marcus Lewis.
And don't need a nigga for nothing. But some hard dick and a shoulder to lean on . The bitch gotta PhD. And she living in her dream home. And probably got like ...
And don't need a nigga for nothing. But some hard dick and a shoulder to lean on . The bitch gotta PhD. And she living in her dream home. And probably got like ...
I cast my cares on Christ 'cause He cares for me. So when you need a shoulder to cry on, just lean. Lean on me when you're not strong. And I'll be your friend, I'll ...
I cast my cares on Christ 'cause He cares for me. So when you need a shoulder to cry on, just lean. Lean on me when you're not strong. And I'll be your friend, I'll ...
BUILDING 429 LYRICS - Shoulder
I want to be the shoulder you lean on. And when you're lonely. I'm never gonna leave you so just hold on. And when you're crying. I want to be the shoulder you ...
I want to be the shoulder you lean on. And when you're lonely. I'm never gonna leave you so just hold on. And when you're crying. I want to be the shoulder you ...
[Kirk] Yes I will [Choir] Friends are there to catch you when you fall [Kirk] Here's my shoulder [Choir] Here's my shoulder, you can lean on me [Kirk] halleluia
[Kirk] Yes I will [Choir] Friends are there to catch you when you fall [Kirk] Here's my shoulder [Choir] Here's my shoulder, you can lean on me [Kirk] halleluia
(take so much away from inside you, makes no sence, you know he can't guide you, he's your fucking shoulder to lean on, be strong!) Sit and watch me burn.
(take so much away from inside you, makes no sence, you know he can't guide you, he's your fucking shoulder to lean on, be strong!) Sit and watch me burn.
I'm not sad anymore, I'm just tired of this place. The weight of the world be okay if it would pick a shoulder to lean on. So I could stand up straight. I'm not sad ...
I'm not sad anymore, I'm just tired of this place. The weight of the world be okay if it would pick a shoulder to lean on. So I could stand up straight. I'm not sad ...
I'll be your shoulder to lean on. I'll be your right when you feel wrong. So come on , take my hand, we're moving on. And if this is what it takes, Then let me be the ...
I'll be your shoulder to lean on. I'll be your right when you feel wrong. So come on , take my hand, we're moving on. And if this is what it takes, Then let me be the ...
I found a shoulder to lean on. An infallible reason to live all by itself. I took one last look from the heights that I once loved. And then I ran like hell. Wings won't ...
I found a shoulder to lean on. An infallible reason to live all by itself. I took one last look from the heights that I once loved. And then I ran like hell. Wings won't ...
Lyrics to "Count On Me" song by BEI MAEJOR: Unh huh, unh huh, Unh huh Count on me When you need that shoulder to lean on I'm here Count on...
Lyrics to "Count On Me" song by BEI MAEJOR: Unh huh, unh huh, Unh huh Count on me When you need that shoulder to lean on I'm here Count on...
When you need a shoulder to lean on. Never hesitate knowing you can call on, your soul-mate. And vice versa, that's why I be the first to. See Jacob's and frost ...
When you need a shoulder to lean on. Never hesitate knowing you can call on, your soul-mate. And vice versa, that's why I be the first to. See Jacob's and frost ...

Lyrics to 'Lean On' by Major Lazer: Blow a kiss, fire a gun We need someone / All we need is somebody to lean.
I'll be your shoulder when you need someone to lean on. Be your shelter. When you need someone to see you through. I'll be there to carry you. I'll be there.
I'll be your shoulder when you need someone to lean on. Be your shelter. When you need someone to see you through. I'll be there to carry you. I'll be there.
The School - Shoulder lyrics
Apr 5, 2015 And laugh til the tears start to roll down our faces But will you give me a shoulder to lean on? And will you give me a shoulder to lean on?
Apr 5, 2015 And laugh til the tears start to roll down our faces But will you give me a shoulder to lean on? And will you give me a shoulder to lean on?
Bill Withers - Lean On Me lyrics
7 explanations, 17 meanings to Lean On Me lyrics by Bill Withers: Sometimes ... He/she has a hand to take you up, shoulder to cry on and somebody to be with.
7 explanations, 17 meanings to Lean On Me lyrics by Bill Withers: Sometimes ... He/she has a hand to take you up, shoulder to cry on and somebody to be with.
Love's a shoulder to lean on. Love is you. Love's like the water when the well runs dry. Quench my thirst, keep me alive. Just need one sip baby. Love is you
Love's a shoulder to lean on. Love is you. Love's like the water when the well runs dry. Quench my thirst, keep me alive. Just need one sip baby. Love is you

Lyrics to 'I Need Somebody To Lean On' by Elvis Presley. I need somebody to lean ... If she came I would hold her 'cause I need that shoulder. To lean on, yes I ...
Good Heart Lyrics - Starship
Full and accurate LYRICS for "Good Heart" from "Starship": And I'll give a good heart to hold you so strong, I'll give you my shoulder to lean on yeah, ...
Full and accurate LYRICS for "Good Heart" from "Starship": And I'll give a good heart to hold you so strong, I'll give you my shoulder to lean on yeah, ...
SCARFACE LYRICS - Only Your Mother
Now you're lookin for a shoulder to lean on. Bitch, I sho' hate it, cause my shit is dis-located. You was the only one I was thinkin of. But now you got a face only ...
Now you're lookin for a shoulder to lean on. Bitch, I sho' hate it, cause my shit is dis-located. You was the only one I was thinkin of. But now you got a face only ...
Lean On (Remix) Lyrics - JG Trigga
Full and accurate LYRICS for "Lean On (Remix)" from "JG Trigga": Verse 1 MØ, Do you recall not long ... All you ever needed was a shoulder for you to lean on
Full and accurate LYRICS for "Lean On (Remix)" from "JG Trigga": Verse 1 MØ, Do you recall not long ... All you ever needed was a shoulder for you to lean on
Lyrics to "Lean On Me" song by MICHAEL BOLTON: Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain We all have sorrow But, if we are wise We know that there's...
Lyrics to "Lean On Me" song by MICHAEL BOLTON: Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain We all have sorrow But, if we are wise We know that there's...
My angel, my shoulder. To lean on, I swear, When I'm with you. I feel like I'll live forever. This moment. Feelings exploding. My heart beats alive. Now it's true
My angel, my shoulder. To lean on, I swear, When I'm with you. I feel like I'll live forever. This moment. Feelings exploding. My heart beats alive. Now it's true

Lyrics to 'Lean On Me (with The Family) (radio Version)' by 2 4 Family. Sometimes in my life ... 'cause I'll be there to lend you a shoulder to cry on. A tru blue, the ...
Oh baby - I was always around. To pick you up when you were falling down. Now baby - when you were crying the blues. Wasn't I the one that you came crying ...
Oh baby - I was always around. To pick you up when you were falling down. Now baby - when you were crying the blues. Wasn't I the one that you came crying ...
So many bitches mad at me right now cause I won't give them a shoulder to lean on. These days gotta keep my phone on airplane mode to dodge these hoes
So many bitches mad at me right now cause I won't give them a shoulder to lean on. These days gotta keep my phone on airplane mode to dodge these hoes
Whatcha gonna do without a shoulder to lean on. You're gonna miss me when I' m gone. Never wanna lose ya - ya know we gotta fight. Never said it'd be easy ...
Whatcha gonna do without a shoulder to lean on. You're gonna miss me when I' m gone. Never wanna lose ya - ya know we gotta fight. Never said it'd be easy ...
[Verse 1] Stay strong, be tough, that's what the preacher tell ya. He never really felt ya, so he can't even help ya. Need a shoulder to lean on, somebody to cry to
[Verse 1] Stay strong, be tough, that's what the preacher tell ya. He never really felt ya, so he can't even help ya. Need a shoulder to lean on, somebody to cry to

Lyrics to 'Lean On Me' by 2 4 Family. Sometimes in our ... Lean on me (can you hear me now) 2-4 Family Lean on me ... To lend you a shoulder to cry on. I'm true ...
MILA J LYRICS - Tell Me Where I'd Be
Yeah [x3] [Chorus: x2] Tell Me Where I'd Be If I Didn't Have You If I Didn't Have A Shoulder To Lean On To Tell Where I'd Be Without You Here With Me
Yeah [x3] [Chorus: x2] Tell Me Where I'd Be If I Didn't Have You If I Didn't Have A Shoulder To Lean On To Tell Where I'd Be Without You Here With Me
Kyla - I Will Be There lyrics
I'll be your shoulder you can lean on. I'll be your friend you can depend on. I will be there (2x) There are times when things go wrong. Yes there were times when ...
I'll be your shoulder you can lean on. I'll be your friend you can depend on. I will be there (2x) There are times when things go wrong. Yes there were times when ...
PHIL COLLINS LYRICS - Don't Let Him Steel Your Heart Away
Just a shoulder to lean on. Someone to tell you it'll all work out alright. Don't let him steal your heart away. No, don't let him steal your heart away. Don't let him ...
Just a shoulder to lean on. Someone to tell you it'll all work out alright. Don't let him steal your heart away. No, don't let him steal your heart away. Don't let him ...
Blackout Problems - Black Coffee Lyrics
Mar 20, 2016 Together we're an army, Just as strong as black coffee. You're not alone! Four chords, one radio, two shoulders to lean on. You're not alone!
Mar 20, 2016 Together we're an army, Just as strong as black coffee. You're not alone! Four chords, one radio, two shoulders to lean on. You're not alone!
Shane Koyczan - Blueprint lyrics and translation
Nov 29, 2014 I've gone from needing a shoulder to lean on to trying to calm the night into thinking that had the day shift. I've turned my shadow to shoplift light ...
Nov 29, 2014 I've gone from needing a shoulder to lean on to trying to calm the night into thinking that had the day shift. I've turned my shadow to shoplift light ...
Lyrics to "Don't Worry" song by SAMMY WILK: A shoulder to lean on But you turn and run from me Someone to dry your tears on But you rather deal...
Lyrics to "Don't Worry" song by SAMMY WILK: A shoulder to lean on But you turn and run from me Someone to dry your tears on But you rather deal...
Z-RO LYRICS - This Ain't Livin'
They act like they a shoulder to lean on. They listen to your problems and they grin (This ain't livin) They don't give a damn about you when you drive a regular ...
They act like they a shoulder to lean on. They listen to your problems and they grin (This ain't livin) They don't give a damn about you when you drive a regular ...