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Super furry animals lyrics
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Lyrics to 'Juxtapozed With U' by Super Furry Animals: You've got to tolerate All those people that you hate I'm not in love with you But I won't hold that.

Lyrics to 'Chupacabras' by Super Furry Animals. Chupa chupa chupacabras chupacabras chupacabras / Have you heard about the bat? / Eats your goat and ...

Lyrics to 'Demons' by Super Furry Animals. Clarity just confuses me / The lines drawn on a map / A strange assembly / When there's northerners in southerners /

Lyrics to 'Frisbee' by Super Furry Animals. Locked in a sorry dream / You know we're drowning in designer ice cream / I scream, this is the present but it's no.

Lyrics to 'Tradewinds' by Super Furry Animals. Feeling the tradewinds blow, we set sail let the fickle sea flow / Stuck in a copper boat, on a sea where money.

Lyrics to 'Guacamole' by Super Furry Animals. I need medication for my sleep deprivation / (Sleep deprivation) / I need medication for my sleep deprivation /

Lyrics to 'Lazer Beam' by Super Furry Animals. Introducing a radical new vision / No more imperial colonial bastards / No more romantic comedies / This is a.

Lyrics to 'Mountain People' by Super Furry Animals. They don't care about / You and me / Obviously / No not us / We're the mountain people / So far away from.

Lyrics to 'Frequency' by Super Furry Animals. There goes my life, ticking away / There goes my love, slipping away / Long to skeep, later / But alarms keep.

Lyrics to 'Bad Behaviour' by Super Furry Animals. Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad! Behavior / Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad! Behavior / Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad! Behavior / Bad! Bad! Bad!

Lyrics to 'Something For The Weekend' by Super Furry Animals. First time, I did it for the hell of it / Stuck it on the back of my tongue / And then swallowed.

Lyrics to 'The Undefeated' by Super Furry Animals. Noise pollution solution, solution / I, I loose again / You are the victor / I confess / You are David and.

Lyrics to 'Smokin'' by Super Furry Animals. I've got pennies in my pocket and I'm feeling no care / Gonna find all my answers with minimum delay / Gonna ...

Lyrics to 'No Sympathy' by Super Furry Animals. I have no sympathy for you / You make me realize the who I am / I have no sympathy for thee / You make me.

Lyrics to 'Zoom!' by Super Furry Animals. Took you to a movie but you moved away / Froze into a standstill my feet turned to clay / Looked into the sky for some.

Lyrics to 'Atomik Lust' by Super Furry Animals. If your moon should eclipse me / And block out my sun / Ride on typhoons and hurricanes / Watch sky map on.

Lyrics to 'Presidential Suite' by Super Furry Animals. Monica and naughty Billy / Got together something silly now / Holy wars out of lusty minutes / Another.

Lyrics to 'Hermann Loves Pauline' by Super Furry Animals: Hermann loves Pauline and Pauline loves Hermann They made love and gave birth to a little ...

Lyrics to 'Ice Hockey Hair' by Super Furry Animals. She's got ice hockey hair / It's instamatic and it has such flair / And when the puck hits the back of the.

Lyrics to 'Cloudberries' by Super Furry Animals. She came into the room / Didn't know her name / How I danced inside / No-one to confide / In the darkest winter.

Lyrics to 'Ohio Heat' by Super Furry Animals. Sycamore trees blowing green in the distance / She sucked on her thumb in her beautiful jail / A sentence to serve.

Lyrics to 'Download' by Super Furry Animals. There are people who think, and people who don't / And the people who don't are the ones who have most / There ...

Lyrics to 'Receptacle For The Respectable' by Super Furry Animals: Was so gullible But now.

Lyrics to 'Hometown Unicorn' by Super Furry Animals: I was lost, lost on the bypass road.

Lyrics to 'Slow Life' by Super Furry Animals. Move you / Buy and sell you / Terrorise you / Mass destruct you / Flaunt you / Disconnect you / Cluster fuck you /

Lyrics to 'Y Gwyneb Iau' by Super Furry Animals. Cwyd dy bentan a dos lawr I'r de / Take your homestead and then head down south / Gad dy dreftadaeth ...

Lyrics to 'She's Got Spies' by Super Furry Animals. She's got spies and they're looking out for me / But it's not like the KGB it's just a game we play / She's.

Lyrics to 'Fire In My Heart' by Super Furry Animals. I've got a fire in my heart for you / I've got a fire in my heart for you / I've got a fire in my heart /

Lyrics to 'Y Teimlad' by Super Furry Animals. Y teimlad sy'n gyrru bobol i anghofio amser / The feeling that makes people forget time / Y teimlad sy'n gyrru ti.

Lyrics to 'The Citizens' Band' by Super Furry Animals. Tried my hand at the citizens band / I'm a breaker that breaks / And my handle is goblin / I'm on air and.

Lyrics to 'The Horn' by Super Furry Animals. Go, go with the flow / Rock, rock the freeway / Drink, smoke, love, enjoy the ride / Right or wrong / Hair down.

Lyrics to 'Hello Sunshine' by Super Furry Animals. Hello Sunshine / (So hard to say goodbye / Meaning it today / I've said goodbye before / Leaving you alone /

Lyrics to 'Inaugural Trams' by Super Furry Animals. Trams / Inaugural Trams / Trams / Inaugural Trams / Trams / I will design a town in the image of your face.

Lyrics to 'Northern Lites' by Super Furry Animals. Born in a manger. / Your getting stranger everyday. / Uncertain chancer. / Your sending everything astray. /

Lyrics to 'The Gift That Keeps Giving' by Super Furry Animals. A parcel arrived: / It was the gift that keeps giving. / I opened it up. / And all the bells.

Lyrics to 'Walk You Home' by Super Furry Animals. Can't forget that smile / Can't believe we met / Such a sudden kiss and you never even said goodbye / The.

Lyrics to 'Do Or Die' by Super Furry Animals. I got you / You got me / We got plenty to see / Let's sail the ocean, fancy-free / We could ride the camel / One.

Lyrics to 'For Now And Ever' by Super Furry Animals. It's been a funny kind of day / Sian Lloyd says the sun will come and play / Emotive in transit, we'll be.

Lyrics to 'Fuzzy Birds' by Super Furry Animals. (Bunf:) / Hamster, turnin' round in your wheel / I've got something to tell you: / I can harness your feel /

Lyrics to 'International Language Of Screaming' by Super Furry Animals. It's not where you're from / It's not where you're at / It's not where you've been /