The doups lyrics

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The Doups - You're Hot Lyrics
Lyrics to 'You're Hot' by The Doups. You're hard to believe / I'd give and receive / I 'd take you away / Even if it's just for a day / I came here for fun / I.
The Doups - Joyful Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Joyful' by The Doups. We ran ageless by the shore / Life was then a metaphor / Now we bend our own rules, and pay the price / Now we cut the cake  ...
The Doups - I Said Lyrics
Lyrics to 'I Said' by The Doups. I think I'm losing control but wanna be with you / I think I'm losing control but wanna be with you / Bullets in my head,
The Doups - Born Again Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Born Again' by The Doups. Skimming through the corners alone / Searching for a light inside / Before my love runs out / Hoping I can see it through /
The Doups - Fuji Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Fuji' by The Doups. Ginger girl, You're a gift to the world, you know / 3 am and I lay in my bed alone / Everybody saw it coming / Everybody saw it.
The Doups - Now I'm Going Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Now I'm Going' by The Doups. There's no need to pretend / Finally those days have come to an end. / It's been a difficult road, / Waiting makes it.
The Doups - Night Out Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Night Out' by The Doups. Colors in the buildings / Flashing through the windows / Telling me the day is through / So lets go out and put it to use /
The Doups - Try, Lie, Die... Whatever Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Try, Lie, Die... Whatever' by The Doups. I Won't Lie, because I want to try ! / But won't try because , don't wanna cry! / But won't cry, just don't.
The Doups - Just As Predicted Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Just As Predicted' by The Doups. Times may have changed / But there's no change around me / I fail to see / What it's cracked up to be / I was so.
The Doups - Scratching My Face Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Scratching My Face' by The Doups. I took my chances on the tightrope / I filled the blank to be your scapegoat / I was the sure thing, safe haven / I.
Rough Times Lyrics - The Doups
Full and accurate LYRICS for "Rough Times" from "The Doups": Go Ordinary Guy, You master of disguise, Nobody notices you, But I know what you've been ...
The Doups - These Days Lyrics
Lyrics to 'These Days' by The Doups. This world is yours for the taking / Over the hills a new dawn is breaking / Quit the smile that you're faking / And don't.
The Doups - Just As Predicted lyrics
Lyrics for Just As Predicted by The Doups. ... Just As Predicted - Lyrics. The Doups. Lyrics not available. Be the first to add the lyrics and earn points. Add lyrics ...
The Doups song lyrics collection. Browse 10 lyrics and 2 The Doups albums.
The Doups - Alone In A Crowd Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Alone In A Crowd' by The Doups. Cold lasts for too long / The shade sleeps in my bed / Alone with my own thoughts / I battle against my head / I.
The Doups - Fuji Lyrics. Ginger girl, You're a gift to the world, you know 3 am and I lay in my bed alone Everybody saw it coming Everybody saw it coming, but ...
Far Lyrics - The Doups
Full and accurate LYRICS for "Far" from "The Doups": She's far, So far!, And I want, To be there now!
The Doups - Your Words lyrics
Dec 14, 2013 Lyrics for Your Words by The Doups. Your words, cruise right past my hears like birds With no sense of direction. I Fail to find a meaning or a ...
October Flight - Maybe Lyrics
Similar Artists. The Doups lyrics. The Doups · The Fingertips lyrics. The Fingertips · Paulo de Carvalho lyrics. Paulo de Carvalho.
Lyrics to "Soup" song by BLIND MELON: The clothesline of cold eyes Is washing away the face before Now tell me what's wrong you see ever...

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