Tiger cage lyrics

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Spleen United - Suburbia Lyrics
the tiger cage suburbia now everyone's an exit baby everyone's a back door out you're a member of another club now but you remember what you're coming from Love is just a buzz. Just a buzz you can't catch Love is just a buzz. Just a buzz you can't catch Love is just a buzz. Just a buzz you can't catch Love is just a buzz. Just a buzz you can't ...
Rick Charette - Tiger's Cage Lyrics
If you put your finger in the tiger's cage, If you put your finger in the tiger's cage, If you put your finger in the tiger's cage, You'd better be careful that it doesn't bite you. If you try to brush an alligator's teeth, If you try to brush an alligator's teeth If you try to brush an alligator's teeth You'd better be careful that it doesn't ...
"The Tiger And The Dolphin" lyrics
But in that fucking cage You were angered and afraid That you'd never ever see the day that you could run away You said, who the fuck are you to put me in a zoo? I'm a tiger with the fire and I'll bite you in your face Who the fuck are you to put me in a zoo? I'm a tiger with the fire and I'll bite you in your face You're a dolphin, queen of ...
Idina Menzel - Take Me Or Leave Me Lyrics
A tiger in a cage Can never see the sun This diva needs her stage baby, let's have fun! You are the one I choose Folks would kill to fill your shoes You love the lime light too now, baby So be mine and don't waste my time Cryin' "Oh honey bear are you still my, my, my baby?" Take me for what I am Who I was meant to be And if you give a damn
Idina Menzel & Fredi Walker Lyrics
A tiger in a cage can never see the sun This diva needs her stage baby let's have fun You are the one I choose Folks would kill to fill your shoes You love the limelight too now baby So be mine And don't waste my time Crying oh honey bear are you still my my my baby (don't you dare) Take me for what I am Who I was meant to be And if you give a damn
RENT - Take Me or Leave Me Lyrics
Maureen: A tiger in a cage Can never see the sun This diva needs her stage! Baby lets have fun! You are the one I choose Folks would kill to fill your shoes... You love the lime light to now baby So be mine and don't waste my time cryin' "Oh, Honeybear, are you still my, my, my baby?" Joanne: Don't you dare! Maureen: Take me for what I am
TITAN FORCE LYRICS - "Titan Force" (1989) album
You're the tiger I'm the chain Diving deep in the pool of ecstasy Swim with me once again Giving more as you receive Till your cup runneth over Speak the word and you'll never leave me Heartbeats race with ravenous fury As the tide pulls me in (You pull me in) Lost in a whirlpool of fantasy Close your eyes and the world starts to spin
Soledad Brothers - Cage That Tiger Lyrics
you got to cage that tiger you got to cage that tiger before she eats you up hey hey now hey hey now oh yeah she's public feline number 9 does what she wants and she takes her time sneaks on by like she's looking for blood like a man killed her on the hunt you got to cage that tiger you got to cage that tiger before she eats you up hey hey now ...
Rent Soundtrack - Take Me Or Leave Me Lyrics
A tiger in a cage Can never see the sun. This diva needs her stage, baby, Let's have fun! You are the one I choose, Folks would kill to fill your shoes! You love the limelight too now, baby! So be mine, and don't waste my time Cryin', "Oh honey bear are you still my, my, my baby?" Joanne: Don't you dare! Maureen: Take me for what I am! Who I ...
JT Music - Uncaged (Nicolas Cage Cypher) Lyrics
Because Nicolas Cage is the tiger The type of man who cannot be tamed So when you try to Cage up the tiger You'll bring the tiger right out the cage Now listen, this is a Nicolas Cage cipher Tie him down, he'll fly off the chain So if you think you can Cage up the tiger You'll bring the tiger right out the cage Big daddy in your warehouse ready ...
Suave As Hell - Tiger In A Cage Lyrics
The tiger shouldnt live in this old cage its not a place for getting older The food is hard to eat, he has no teeth dinner is over living in a circus, living without being the star then you can die, and nobody will remember flying bugs disturb him while he tries to sleep smells like he has been forgotten the lights wont shine on him, his time ...
Dr. Hook - Jungle To The Zoo Lyrics
The tiger, he looked out of his cage and smiled He said come here boy, I want to talk to you a while He said I once was running wild and free just the same as you But it's one step from the jungle to the zoo Its one step from the jungle to the zoo You better watch out or they're gonna get you too
Jonas Rathsman feat. Josef Salvat - Complex Lyrics
Gon' do your good and keep the tiger in its cage Cause I know the night And I know about the day I like them both equally I'm complex that way I'm complex that way I'm complex that way I'm complex that way I'm complex that way I'm too young to get tied down I'm too young to grow up I'm too young to be at the sidewalk I'm too youngto fall in love
Lulu - I'm A Tiger Lyrics
I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger A lot of men have come my way Thinking that I'm easy prey But you'll never tame this child She loves running wild You won't cage me in, Just stick around, see the fun begin I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger A lot of men have ...
Zella Day - East of Eden Lyrics
Tiger on the prowl East of Eden Coming for you now Keep me from the cages under the control Running in the dark to find East of Eden Keep me from the cages under the control Running in the dark to find East of Eden Find East of Eden To find East of Eden To find East of Eden To find East of Eden If I wanted to stay You don't mind, you're a true ...
Johnny Rawls - Tiger In A Cage Album
Features Song Lyrics for Johnny Rawls's Tiger in a Cage album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. Lyrics. Popular Song Lyrics. Billboard Hot 100. Upcoming Lyrics. Recently Added. Top Lyrics of 2011. Top Lyrics of 2010. Top Lyrics of 2009.
Cage The Elephant - Sabertooth Tiger Lyrics
On the other side of town lives a saber-tooth tiger Paints a real good picture, he's an excellent liar His mouth is full of sand and he's dying to meet you His mouth is full of sand, he's just dying to meet you On the other side of town lives a saber-tooth tiger Run away, run away, run away from the beast
Doug Clark & the Hot Nuts - Baby Let Me Bang Your Box Lyrics
You release me like a tiger that's been locked in a cage Here I am, here you are I want it so hard You finger my heart I know just what I need, what I came here to do I've been thinking baby, been mostly about you I want you to bang my box I want you to bang my box You say it's taste like cake with my lips against your face I want you to eat it ...
Rick Charette - Alligator in the Elevator Lyrics
Tiger's Cage: More Albums: embed Embed. Get the embed code Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). This is just a preview! Preview the embedded widget. Rick Charette - Alligator in the Elevator Album Lyrics; 1. Al, My Alligator: 2. Alligator in the Elevator: 3. Eenie Meenie Mynie Mo: 4. Hot Air ...
Rick Charette - Staple in My Sock Lyrics
Tiger's Cage: More Albums: embed Embed. Get the embed code Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). This is just a preview! Preview the embedded widget. Rick Charette - Alligator in the Elevator Album Lyrics; 1. Al, My Alligator: 2. Alligator in the Elevator: 3. Eenie Meenie Mynie Mo: 4. Hot Air ...
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