Uyangithanda yini na ngiyakuthanda kimi name of artist lyrics

Get lyrics of Uyangithanda yini na ngiyakuthanda kimi name of artist song you love. List contains Uyangithanda yini na ngiyakuthanda kimi name of artist song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-).

Nqubeko Mbatha - Uyangithanda lyrics
Lyrics of Uyangithanda by Nqubeko Mbatha. Ngiyazi uJesu uyangi thanda. Ebumnandini na sosizini. Uhlala ekhona engi bambe ngesandla. Yebo uJesu uyangi thanda. Yebo, yebo uyangi thanda. Yebo, yebo uyangi thanda. (end) Writer (s): Nqubeko Mbatha.
Zonke - Uyandithanda Lyrics
Cupid is your name yeah, mmmh And I don't care what they say Und'thanda everyday yey yey Everyday yey yey Nd'yakubona xa undijonga mna Everyday hee hee hee hee hey Whooah, everyday yey yey Everyday yey yey Yandibuka mna baby Everyday hee hee hee hee hey I love the way you love me I love the way you love me I love the way you love me Mmm, uww ...
Zonke - Uyandithanda lyrics
Uyand'thanda baby. (Everyday hey) Zonk' insuku zobomi bami. bridge. I love the way you love me (nd'yawathanda amathandw' akho) I love the way you love me (nd'yawafuna amathandw'akho) I love the way you love me (nd'yawathanda amathandw'akho) mmm, ooh.
Nqubeko Mbatha の「Yebo Nkosi Yami」の English 翻訳
Yes My King, I love you. Yebo Nkosi yami; ngiyakuthanda (Yes my Lord, I love you. Yes My King, I love you. Ngoba Akekho ofana nawe (For there′s no one like You) Ngoba Akekho ofana nawe (For there′s no one like You) Ngoba Akekho ofana nawe (For there's no one like You. For There's no one like you. Ngoba Akekho ofana nawe (For there′s no ...
Mlindo The Vocalist - Yekela Lyrics
Ngenkathi ungitshel' uyangithanda Intliziyo yami iyakubasela ngamandla Ijabuliwsa uthando Ngamane ngife nokuthi ngiluze wena Ngiyakuthanda baby Baby woh bie e Baby who bie e Yekel' ukuba nzima Yekel' ukuba noma ngingazonda uthi ngek' ungigane Yekel' ukuba nzima Yekel' ukuba noma ngingazonda uthi ngek' ungigane Uthi akasangithandi ulovie wame
Ma ngithi ngiyakuthanda, naw' uthi uyangithanda Ma wenze njalo mina I love you more Oh baby please khohlwa yila bantu Bathand' ukukhuluma ngendaba zabantu Mina ngiyakuthanda. vele ngiyazi uyangithnda Kohlala kunjalo and i'll love you more Bathi side le sikhathi sisonke And why ungakhulumi ngelobolo And ngabatjela ukuthi mina ngiyakuthemba
Sayfar feat. Mnqobi Yazo - Amathafa Lyrics
Uthando Iwami ngabe uzoligcina yini nawe Uth' uyangithanda (Nawe) Sofa silahlane (Mina nawe) Lamagqumu, Iamathafa, sowanyuka (Mina nawe) Uth' uyangithanda (Mina nawe) Sofa silahlane (Mina nawe) Lamagqumu, Iamathafa, sowanyuka (Mina nawe) Nansi inkinga yothando Lungival'amehlo angiboni.
Kelly Khumalo - Baby Please Lyrics
Ma ngithi ngiyakuthanda, naw' uthi uyangithanda. Ma wenze njalo mina I love you more. Oh baby please, khohlwa yila bantu. Bathand' ukukhuluma ngendaba zabantu. Mina ngiyakuthanda. vele ngiyazi uyangithnda. Kohlala kunjalo and I'll love you more. Oh baby, please, ngicel' usmile njalo. Yeka la bantu basixabanisay'. And I don't care, ngiyokuthanda ...
Ngimtholile Lyrics - Brandon Dhludhlu feat. Zama Khumalo
Ungitshel'ukuth'uyangithanda. Wangithengel'iPS IPS Ehamba nezimbali Ungitshel'ukuth'uyangithanda. Lona ngamthanda sisebancane Futh'angeke kushintshe lutho manje ... Mina ngangazi ngiyakuthanda Ngihlala ngikhetha wena masidlala Ngingaz'uyangichaza Kodwa mangikubona ngismile-a. Njalo ngihlale ngikucabanga
Uyangithanda Yini Na Artist lyrics
Uyangithanda Yini Na Artist lyrics. Browse for Uyangithanda Yini Na Artist song lyrics by entered search phrase. Choose one of the browsed Uyangithanda Yini Na Artist lyrics, get the lyrics and watch the video. There are 60 lyrics related to Uyangithanda Yini Na Artist. Related artists: Artist vs. poet, Na bebić, Na dosah, Na hadry!, Na kopni ...
Letra de Nqubeko Mbatha - Yebo Nkosi Yami
Yebo Nkosi yami; ngiyakuthanda (Yes my Lord, I love you. Yebo Nkosi yami; ngiyakuthanda (Yes my Lord, I love you. Yebo Nkosi yami; ngiyakuthanda (Yes my Lord, I love you. Ngoba Akekho ofana nawe (For there′s no one like You) Ngoba Akekho ofana nawe (For there's no one like You. Ngoba Akekho ofana nawe (For there′s no one like You.
Inkos'yamagcokama - National Anthem lyrics
Ngab'uyazi kushukuthini na lokho? Uth′uyangithanda. Ngab'uyazi kushukuthini na lokho? ... (Ngiyayesabel'inhliziyo yami namathemb′othando kimi ashabalele) ... Are you an artist? Distribute your lyrics! Take full control of your lyrics. Curate, sync, and distribute your lyrics on Spotify, Apple Music, and more. ...
Robbie Malinga feat. Kelly Khumalo
Lyrics for Isikhwele Sakho by Robbie Malinga feat. Kelly Khumalo. Mina nawe dali asiyeke ukuxabana Awuyek′ isikhwele ngifuna wena Isihwele sakho. Siyasixabanisa Baby awuyeke... awuyekele Baby awuyeke... uzosixabanisa Baby awuyeke... awuyekele Baby awuyeke... uzosixabanisa Kwenzenjani ungithembi sthandwa sam Inhliziyo yami ine yakho Ngakunika ...
Loyiso - Dali Wami lyrics translation in English
Grow to be one. Don′t even stress I'll give you no less. Don′t even stress I'll give you no less. Than what you deserve I′m here to impress. Than what you deserve I′m here to impress. Girl just confess you'll be my princess. Girl just confess you'll be my princess. I′ll be your man and you'll be my girl.
Brenda Mtambo - I Love You lyrics
I love you, are the words. I wanna hear everyday. You are mine, are the words. I wanna feel what you are saying. I'm yours, I've told you. So many times, now you know. My love is yours. And I'll be yours (and I'll be yours) chorus.
Ngiyamthanda (feat. Lowsheen)
Ungihlule nangamazwi. Thatha nal′ uculo lwakho. Ngizothand′ elingawe ke. Uthando lwami luningi (uthando lwami luningi) Ungihlule nangamazwi (ohho-oh) Thatha nal' uculo lwakho (thatha nal′ uculo lwakho) Ngizothand' elingawe ke (ihhi-ihhi-ih) Ngiyamthanda muhl′ impela. Mina ngiyamthanda muhl' impela.
Letra de Linda Gcwensa - Ngizokthanda
Bayafisa nabo kodwa akulungi. That's why benomona. Ngathi. Ukuth ungowami. Iyo lento edina abaningi. Bayafisa nabo kodwa akulungi. That′s why benomona. Ngathi. Writer (s): Linda Gcwensa.
Simmy - Uhlale Wazi Lyrics
Hai abantu bang′hlule, kuyini na bengazwani nokuthula bengihlule Ngingenelwa amanzi endlini, baqamba amanga yini na, kanti ngenzeni na Ngiyazi uhamb'izolo, kodwa obuya, obuya themba lami. Dali ngiyazi uhamb′izolo, Ngiyakukhumbula obuya themba lami (mhmm obuya themba lami) Ooh, Uhlale wazi, uhlale wazi, Ngeke mina ngikhohlwe nguwe (mhmm ...
Zandie Khumalo - paroles de Ngiyak'thanda
Indlel′ engizizwa ngayo ngawe dali. Cela wazi kuthi yoh ngiyak'thanda. Mawubuka emehlweni ami. Kugcwele thando. Nhliziyo ayikwazi nokuzibamba. Indlel′ engizizwa ngayo ngawe dali. Cela wazi kuthi yoh ngiyak'thanda. Ooooh oh cela wazi ngiyak′thanda baby oh ngiyak'thanda. Cela wazi kuthi yoh ngiyak'thanda ooooh.
Letra de Matshikos - Mama
Uyohlala uyigugu kimi hee woh. Angingeze ngeze ngikukhohlwe. Angingeze ngeze ngikulahle. verse. ... Bengizoba yini ngaphandle kwakho. Ngi njenjenje namhla kungawe. Mama ooh ngiyakuthanda. chorus. ... Are you an artist? Distribute your lyrics! Take full control of your lyrics. Curate, sync, and distribute your lyrics on Spotify, Apple Music, and ...
Sjava - Uthando lyrics
K'semhlabeni lana kugcwele iy'lingo. Ng'hambekwaze kwashon'ilanga mamaa. Ng'funana nothando lwangempela. Eng'batholayo badlala ngam. Badlala ngothando lwami. chorus. (Ng'size) ubeyimpendulo yami. Ngoba uthando lungehlule. Thando lungehlule mamaa ye eh yeah.
UJesu Aw Limnandi - Live
Limnandi kimi lelo gama. It is a sweet name to me. Nguyen′ owangifela nam' Nguyen′ owangifela nam' ... (Ngingaba yini ngaphandle kwalo? UJesu) (What would I be without it? Jesus) UJesu, ngizakulisho. ... Are you an artist? Distribute your lyrics! Take full control of your lyrics. Curate, sync, and distribute your lyrics on Spotify, Apple ...
Soul Brothers - Uyothanda Na? lyrics
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